Sunday, May 31, 2020

20 Over 2 dozen comments later, we have 5 winners. Thank yous Before I announce the winners of this comment contest, thank you to everyone who participated. Although leaving a comment is easy, this contest required a burst of creativity. More than a few people took up the challenge, and one â€" Yonatan Silver â€" took it up more than once. Thank you all. Thank you also to Scott Gerber for sponsoring the contest on the occasion of the launch of his new book Never Get a “Real” Job, which is getting some great reviews, so the winners really have something to look forward to. And now…eval The 5 Winners In no specific order, the winners are: 1) Dan Share (no relation that I know of)eval My favorite line: “Assemble resume copies on the ground (outside your bosses window), forming the words “I QUIT”” Read Dan's winning comment here 2) Yehuda My favorite section: “3. Request that they cut each letter of your resume and rearrange the letters to create an attractive yet really nasty 80's style ransom note, addressed back to you, and threatening that unless you pay them 1,000,000 dollars wuthin 3 days, they will kill your resume. 4. Ignore the letter, letting resume die.” Read Yehuda's winning comment here 3) Yonatan Silver My favorite lines: ““We’re going to have to throw your resume overboard, or we’re going to sink!” … “I’m sorry,” the captain called to me, “But surely you know you’re supposed to try to keep your resume to a single page.”” Read Yonatan's winning comment here 4) Scott Cowley My favorite line: “Not only does the resume meet a glorious end, but it teaches other resumes a lesson.” Read Scott's winning comment here 5) Amir Robinson My favorite line: “Now rather than use poop bags to scoop I use the hundreds of unused copies of my resumes.” Read Amir's winning comment here Thanks again to all the winners, I'll be in touch with you each in the next day or 2. Thanks again to all the other participants as well. If you didn't get into this contest, don't worry, there will be others soon enough.

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