Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Update an Outdated Resume

How to Update an Outdated ResumeHow to Update an Outdated ResumeIts 2015 time to give your resume an update whether youre looking for a job or not. A lot has changed in the job search game, and its crucial that your resume shows that youre with the times. If your resume has any of the following, its probably time to refresh your resume.Objective StatementAn objective anschauung is usually at the top of a resume stating what the potential job candidate is looking for in a role and company. An objective statement is a waste of space because it doesnt touch on how the candidate is a good fit for the role. Instead, consider using the space for an executive summary insteada few sentences highlighting your major accomplishments and skills that will contribute to the role and company.One-Format ResumeWhile you should definitely keep your traditional resume format, explore other creative ways to show of your work experience. The competition is fierce in the job market today, and its a must that you stand out. Creating a professional website allows you to showcase mora of your work that wasnt included in the resume. In some industries, you can be really creativea video resume is another way to supplement your traditional resume and highlight your relevant experience for a position. However, make sure that your new resume format is well-suited for the industry. What may work for the casual tech startup scene might not go very well in financial services. When you submit your resume online, make sure your resume is in a simple format. Many companies have a tracking system that scans a resume before it makes it to the recruiter, and a complex format can cause it to reject your resume. Take the time to figure out what will make you stand out from the competition and create a resume that is appropriate for the position and company. Limit to One PageAlthough you should be as concise as possible, it isnt a dealbreaker if your resume is more than one page. Especially if you hav e a lot of relevant experience, it probably makes more sense to have more than one page. Before committing to two pages, have a trusted colleague review your resume to make sure that your experience and skills are succinct as possible and not just a bunch of fluff. ReferencesAn easy line to eliminate that will give you more space is, References Available on Request. It is now expected that you will give your references if asked. If you dont want your potential employer to think youre old-fashioned, update your resume with these tips in mind. A small tweak can turn your resume from dated to modern and can ultimately land you the job.

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